Word of Life Study Series

Prosperity is God’s Idea: Why Some Have a Small Harvest

Brice C. Craig Season 8 Episode 10

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Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Why some have a small harvest. Here is an important point to consider, the people of God are reaping a harvest, but they are much smaller than they need to be. They are reaping a small harvest, when they should be reaping a large harvest instead. Let’s look at some reasons why people reap only a small harvest.


1. They Sowed Sparingly

When folks get a revelation of this, they will start liquidating their assets so they can get a lot of seed in the ground, because they realize that is the secret to big harvests is big giving. It’s more up to us than it is up to the Lord. Unless the Lord leads us with a specific amount, we will make the decision of how much we are going to sow. In making that determination, we are determining the size of our harvest.


2. They did not Sow in Good Ground

The seed sowed into the hard, stony and thorny soil did not produce a harvest at all and so was wasted. We can have good seed and sow a lot of it, but if the ground is not good, we are not going to get a very good harvest. However, if we put the very same seed into very good ground, we would have a much larger yield or harvest from that seed, because the ground is going to produce of itself accordingly.


3. They Forfeit the Blessing of God

In the natural, when a developing crop does not have the proper balance between rain or sunshine, those factors will affect the outcome of the harvest; these are conditions that are outside of our control. This is God’s part, when He blesses our seed by providing the right elements to cause it to grow.


4. Allowing the thief to come in

Yielding to our flesh and treating people wrong, opens the door to the devil to devour our harvest. It matters how we live and how we treat other people; walking in love will always keep us on the side of God’s blessings for our lives.


5. Did not discern their harvest

People do not even realize that they need to discern the harvest in order to reap it. I am talking about discerning the timing of the harvest. People may think that the harvest is at a different time than it really is. It is like baking something in the oven, if you pull your apple pie out too early- gooey.


6. Need to discern amount of the harvest

Here is an important question that needs to be answered, do we know how much our giving has been in the past year? Are we keeping track of what and where our seed has been sown? We need to journal that information. Also, did we first check to see if that ground we sowed in, was it good ground? Next, ask yourself what a thirty, sixty or one hundred fold return on that investment into God’s Kingdom would be.

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